Her firstname
Her Last Name
Samples of her messages :

Telegram based chat

Me: Hello, Panayiotis from Christian Cafe

Her: Hello :) glad to see you here :)

Me: Me too

Her:  tell me something about yourself :)

Me: I just got super interested in you because you are Russian and Orthodox.

Her: I got it, good to hear :)

Me: Well, about me. What would you like to know?

Her: everything about you, about your family, what do you do in life? where do you work?

Me: I live in Athens Greecewith my family, parents and a little brother and older sister. I work as digital marketer from home. Well, most of this info is available in my Christian Cafe profile. In my free time I enjoy reading books (on theology, philosophy, history and similar stuff).

Her: this site is very inconvenient from russia, so i wanted to chat with you in telegram :)

Me: Okay, I also like Church music, I play chess sometimes and I like watching historical documentaries on YouTube. What about you

Her: you can ask me everything that you are interested in :) I will be glad to answer all your questions

Me: Okay, let's start with the important stuff then. Did you read my prerequisites in Christian Cafe? Like what I'm looking in my future wife etc?

Her: this site does not translate into Russian, so I could not translate, so I ask you, tell me your requirements

Me: Now I got baffled? Are you having our chat translated to Russian here?

Her: Yes, I know English very badly :), this is bad ?

Me: Nope, but we'll need at least one common language to communicate in

Her: over time I will learn English better)

Me: Okay, then. Let me write my prerequisites here

Her: yeah i'm glad to know

Me: I'm looking for someone who has a close relationship to the Church. Some without previous sexual relations of any type. Not vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine (I'm against using products that have any connection with fetal cell lines). No tattoos Not a fan of make up and long dyed nails. Being modest and against wearing clothes that show excessive skin.

Her: I go to church every Sunday, I also sing in the church choir, I didn’t get vaccinated because I was afraid that they were dangerous to health, I’m looking for a man to create a family and I want to give him many children, I’m a virgin, I didn’t have serious relationship.

Me: Okay, great then we can chat and get to know each other better. By the way, why aren't you looking for a husband inside Russia? I'm sure you can find many great guys there.

Her: Russian men don't appreciate Russian girls

Me: What do you mean?

Her: Russian men do not respect girls, foreign men treat them better. to traditional girls

Me: So, you are a traditional girl and are looking for some that will respect that, because Russian men do not want traditional women, am I right?

Her: yes, you are mostly right :)

Me: Good for both of us then, because I am looking for a traditional woman in case I get married. I thought Russians were more fond of traditional women...

Her: it’s unlikely that you don’t know Russia well from the inside, just as now the whole world thinks badly about Russians, because they are being deceived, everything happens differently here, how do you feel about Russian people?

Me: I love Russia. They are Orthodox Christians. I don't like Putin and Kirill much though, for Church reasons. But I really love Russian culture, history and people. There are so many great Saints from Russia. It's one of the reasons I was thinking of marrying a Russian girl. You have a rich Orthodox culture.

Her: Yes, it's true, we have a rich Orthodox culture

Me: So, what do you like doing in your free time?

Her: I work in my spare time, I go to church, to the choir, and also to the embroidery section

Me: What is the last one, I didn't get it

Her: embroidery, sew things, towels, various Russian folk embroidery

Me: Oh wow, interesting. What about books do you like them?

Her: I usually read dramas when I have free time, I don't think men like such books)

Me: True, I'm not very fond of them

Her: How long have you been looking for a Russian girl?

Me: It's complicated. I've been looking for a woman for a few months but things are a bit complicated with me. I wasn't looking specifically for a Russian woman but they were on top of my mind because I knew them as Orthodox, traditional and faithful. Well, I had tried approaching Russian women in Greece but it was a mistake. They were not truly Orthodox and not interested. And my spiritual father wanted me to try with Greek girls first.

Her: I realized, well, I will believe that you will succeed

Me: Aren't you interested?

Her: Why ? you probably misunderstood. I just said that let's hope that everything will work out, perhaps this is due to a translation error.

Me: Okay then, nice. Because I like you. But, let us get to know each other first.

Her: yes of course, you can find out everything you are interested in :)

Me: You wouldn't mind if it took sometime to get to know each other, right? I mean it will take sometime to get to know each other, since we can't meet in person and we shouldn't hurry these things. Is that a problem for you?

Her: no, I think that we need to talk a lot of time to get to know each other better, for further meetings, we will also need to make several video calls for further communication :)

Me: Lovely! I like it that we see eye to eye.

Her: yes, it rarely happens

Me: Tell some more about yourself. What TV shows or movies you like? What about music? I like classical things like Lord of the Rings and Star wars. I also love hearing Byzantine chants.

Her: I usually don't watch movies and TV shows, I don't have time for this :) music is different, which one you like :) I also don't use social networks because I don't like it /).

Some other important things she has written me.

1. I don't have a family, I'm an orphan) I'm all alone)
2. Yes, I have always been an orphan, why did your mother tell you to marry an orphan? I live alone, I rent an apartment and somehow I try to cope).
3. when I made a profile on the site, 2 men and you wrote to me, and now there is communication) I can’t remove them because I’m not sure of your seriousness, you can deceive me) if everything goes well, then I’ll delete them :)
4. Me: Then what else would you suggest we do to get even closer? Is there anything that would make you feel more comfortable when talking to me? Like how can I make you trust me more?
Her: I don't know, there's a time for everything :) we've only known each other for a day :) with time, more trust will appear :)
5. I work every day, I need it to earn money to rent my apartment, I have no other choice) when I have a rest I go to church or to the church choir, but mostly I work non-stop.