Kateryna Krasnikova

Her firstname
Her Last Name
rue Lisa Chaikina 15/43
94091 Ukraine, région de Lougansk, Irmino
Samples of her messages :

Hello, dear Antoine!   

I  was  very  glad  to  receive  your letter! I hope you will also get
pleasant  emotions  from  our communication with you. How are you? I'm
fine,  and  now  that  I've  received  your  answer, it's even better!

Oh,  this is a heavy topic, please accept my sincere condolences. It's
terrible  when  your  loved ones and dear people leave your life. It's
especially  terrible  when you can't help them... I know what loss is,
my  parents died a few years ago. I still can't believe it's true. But
I'm  not  discouraged. They definitely wouldn't want me to become weak
and depressed! Only the best is waiting for us!

My parents died in 2017 as a result of a shell hitting our house. From
that  moment  on,  I  was on my own. But let's not talk about the bad,
because  I believe with all my heart that we deserve only a better and
brighter future!

As  for  work,  I  work  for  one child 2-3 times a week. A very sweet
child.  Perhaps  one  day  I will have such happiness. To be honest, I
would  like  to  have children, but if I am destined to live a life of
love  and  tenderness,  but  at  the  same  time  we will not have the
opportunity to have children, then I will not fall into sadness. After
all,  I  will  know that I am next to exactly who I should be with and
everything is exactly as it should be!

My  little  woman's dream is to walk into a room and hear the cheerful
laughter  of  children.  Meet your beloved husband on the threshold of
the  house  with a sweet kiss, feed him a delicious dinner, wake up in
the  morning  to  see  how  he  sleeps  sweetly  and have time to make
delicious morning coffee.

Well,  I sincerely dream of meeting a person with whom I can share all
the  moments  of life, both good and bad. The one with whom there will
be neither "I" nor "You", but only "We".

I  hope  we're  both  looking  for  someone  with  whom we can just be
ourselves, and enjoy every second we spend together. So I'm completely
sure  that  we  will  only positively influence each other and help to
realize our hidden potential.

So,  I believe in this most sincere love with all my heart and soul! I
hope,  do  you  believe  that too? I don't know, maybe fate brought us
together?  Although  I  understand that it's probably too early to ask
about this, but it's nice to have such thoughts)

Kisses, your Kateryna