Dzyumenko Natalia

Verification of the Russian or Ukrainian woman
Thu, 08/01/1985 - 00:00
Rue 293, appartement 4
Samples of her messages

Hello,  my  dear,  thank  you  for  the  consultation.  I  understand
everything,  I'm glad you want to help. The situation is as follows, I
can  get  to Dnepropetrovsk from my part of the country, this can only
be done on a local carrier. This is a man with a car who knows all the
roads and is engaged in hauling. He charges $300 per person. I need to
have  this  amount  and  pay him when boarding the car so that he will
bring me to Dnepropetrovsk. There I can take the evacuation train that
will  take  me to Poland. There I will be able to contact you with the
help  of volunteers. If you are ready to send me $ 300, then I will be
able  to  get it only through Moneygram or Ria transfer. You will need
to  go to their office and make a money transfer according to my data.
Here  is  my  data.  The  city  of  Donetsk,  Ukraine.  Chelyuskintsev
Street293, apartment 4. My name is Natalia, my last name is Dzyumenko.
Itseems  that I also need the index of my city. If anything, the index
is 83001.

Kiss.  I  really  want to be with you as soon as possible. I'm waiting
for your decision
