Darya Iriska

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Muestras de sus mensajes :

Hello my love Guillaume.
Finally, at work again I can read your letter and write you an answer. I had a long weekend. I miss you and your new letter madly. I found some free time and first of all went to my work computer to read your letter. In my city today it is cloudy, the sun tries to shine at times, and the air temperature reaches +18 degrees. It might rain, and I took an umbrella with me to work just in case.
Guillaume doesn't have to worry about money. The travel agency provides full guarantee and reporting. Here is the bank account of a travel agency representative in the country of Kazakhstan:
Recipient bank: Jusan Bank JSC
BIN: 920140000084
Euro: KZ25998PB00011242420
Georgii Ivanov
How's the start of your new week? Did you miss me? What's the weather like today? What's going on? How is your health? How are you?
I spent the entire weekend in my mother's village, starting on Friday after work. All these days the weather was warm and sunny. On Friday, after finishing work, I went to the supermarket and bought the necessary groceries. Then I went to the stop to wait for the bus. There was no bus for a long time, because in the evening we had big traffic jams in the city. There were also big traffic jams when leaving the city, as everyone was going to the country. This time the road was long. Thank God, I safely reached the village, got off at the bus stop and headed towards my mother’s house. Now all the snow has melted. While walking home, wild geese or wild ducks were flying in the sky. It was dark and you couldn't really see. The screams were more like wild geese. As far as I understand, hunting season is about to begin.
As soon as I got home, I saw my mother on the street. My mother was surprised that she came this time on Friday and was very happy. We went home together. While I was arranging the groceries and taking off my outerwear, my mother laid dinner for us. For dinner I made mashed potatoes and fried fish. The fish was pike. Mom bought fish from local fishermen. It was delicious. After dinner we sat on the sofa and relaxed. We chatted a bit and went to bed. Since in the morning I needed to help my mother with the housework.
On Saturday I woke up early because I didn’t want to sleep. Mom got up early and prepared scrambled eggs with fried sausages and hot tea for us. After breakfast we went outside to do housework. We fed the pets and cleaned the area of the house. Afterwards, the neighbors came to us and said that today the whole village would clean up the territory of our club and the old abandoned school. Where young people most often rest, and leave a lot of garbage behind them. My mother and I gladly agreed and went to help. We took gloves and a rake and headed there. There were quite a lot of people. There were adults and small children. Some people were collecting trash on the property, others were collecting old fallen leaves into a pile. After cleaning, they burned all this garbage and went home. Of course we are a little tired. My mother and I decided to take a short walk since the weather was beautiful. We went home through the outskirts of the village, where there was a forest, a large lawn and a pond. You could hear the singing of birds, as well as the calls of wild geese and ducks. Even in our pond near the village there are still wild geese. It’s good that there were no hunters there, and the birds could live peacefully, reproduce until the onset of autumn and, with new arrivals, fly away again to warmer climes. After the walk we headed home to rest. It was still light outside, as it was getting dark late now. We came home and prepared dinner. For dinner yesterday we only cooked homemade dumplings because it doesn't take much time. After dinner we rested and went to bed.
On Sunday, I also helped my mother with the housework in the morning, and then lit the stove in the sauna and waited for it to warm up. After lunch I went to the sauna to wash, and in the evening I slowly got ready to go to the city. As usual, my mother collected a bag of groceries and accompanied me to the stop. I arrived in the city at about 8 o'clock in the evening. This is how my weekend went. By the way, my mother asked me to send you greetings and best wishes.
With this I will conclude today’s letter and begin further work. I wish you a good start to the new week and a great mood. I love you very much and would rather fly to you. I kiss you and hug you tightly. I will be waiting for your letter.
Your love Darya.