Verification of the Russian or Ukrainian woman
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Lun, 07/02/2022 - 12:44
7927 683 0843
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I still have some information for you. my name is Ekaterina Protosenya address. Komsamolskaya street 14, block 3, Ozersk, Chelyabensk region. 456784 Russia. This is in case they call you about a visa. since the travel agent assured me that now the information will be checked very carefully.


don't you want to meet me in Paris? my tickets will look like this. Moscow-Istanbul-Paris or Moscow Uae Paris. I have to get there on my own. I don’t know how to get to your village, if only by taxi, it will cost money. I will need to clarify this point in the price, because this trip is not cheap to get to Paris and your village of VERGESE. Tickets Moscow - Istanbul - Paris cost about 854 euros. + I need to get from Paris to your village. This is extra money, I don’t know how much a taxi costs there. I paid 246 euros for paperwork, I paid a lot more than they told me because I am applying for a visa for 90 days. this is all I had and I hope that I didn’t spend a lot of money in vain, but I really want it and I’m ready to fly to you. To be honest, I'm the most scared... such a big and long trip for the first time. For love =) But I am ready and confident in my choice. but there is also great news. Aunt went to the bank today, she sent me information on where I can send money for tickets. holder name: Makarova Natalya Name of Bank: Bereke Bank Joint Stock Company BIC BRKEKZKA KZ05914CP97819742170 Bank Address: Kazakhstan, City: Pavlodar, street: Kamzina 24, 140011

Comme les transferts d'argent sont impossibles en Russie, pour payer son billet d'avion, j'attends son visa et son passeport touristique, elle me donne un nom pour passer par le Kazahtsan ou le transfert d'argent est possible depuis la France.


Je précise qu'au début des échanges, elle devait payer l'ensemble de son voyage que je rembourserai en France. d'ou ma méfiance d'envoyer 900 €


Photo disponible et video aussi. Mais jamais eu de conversation en direct !

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