Yuliia (Juliia) Kotoba /Kotova

Ihr Vorname
Yuliia (Juliia)
Ihr Name
Kotoba /Kotova
Melitopol city
Sadova Street 48
Zaporizhzhia Region
zip code 72300
Melitopol city
demande de lui envoyer l'argent sur kotova.yulianna@gmail.com via PayPal
Beispiele ihrer Nachrichten :

How are you today, my Dear Jean? I miss you...and feel bad that I am not near you. I pray for the possibility
to start a new life with you, to survive and escape from  the war area.  Of course,  when I find a job, I can give the
money back, because I  never want to take any advantage of people. You know that I can work, as a nurse.
In total I will need about 400-500 Euro to buy tickets and escape leaving my occupied  city and then Ukraine. 
Of course, I hope you be my reliable man, I can share my life with, because I am alone, but want and desire to be
happy and make you happy too, if do you want the same?
BUT I am not going to become a prostitute selling my body or being hurt or used by some bad person.
I am  not for playing games or take advantage of you!
We all are united in Ukraine to help each other and fight the main enemy - Russia, who came to kill and
rape only. I am not like them!
If you need any kind of proof of my words, I  can  do it, as I never lie!If you
want good woman, who are loyal, kind and serious, you may help me to come to you? Since I have lost
my job and income, because of war, we do have enormous issues even with food.
I do have Ukrainian bank account and bank card with my ID to prove me being a real, if you may have doubts,
which you may use, if you can help me to be with you?



(son dernier message en date.)

Dear Jean, how are you today? Are you alright? I missed you!Sorry for silence,
but I  do have the issues with
connection, because russians are  blocking it here...
and issues with electricity supply,because of total black outs. Russian terrorists
destroy civil infrastructure  making people suffer, as much as possible.
You know that my city is Melitopol and russian's murders control it.
I don't have money to go out the occupied territory and relocate.
Actually I do have the issues even with food! I lost my job and income
due to war.  I want to go out and relocate,but I can't afford to evacuate.
I need  somebody to help me,as I helpless to do it myself.
That's why I asked for your help. Yes, I do have a passport , but can't
go out due to war actions around, having NO Ukrainian authority at all!
I want to find man, who I can trust and relay on.
Can you help, Dear Jean or not? Can you help to get out
and meet  you? Can you assist? 
I can give you my Paypal, which you may use or not. Its up to you, because I am here not
for taking any kind of advantage. I do try to survive, collect enough for evacuation,
starting the new life abroad, as I wrote you before. I promise
to find a job,as I can work, as a nurse and pay everything back, when we meet!
I understand, how it sounds, but you can really help me, the woman, who you know
and can save. I am a good woman, who wants to love and not to die here in russian occupation.
If you need any kind of my documents copy or take the video for you saying your  name, I can
do it. I am real woman and have true intentions. I just need help and the hope for the future.
You can check my full name and address
Yuliia Kotova
Melitopol city
Sadova Street 48
Zaporizhzhia Region
zip code 72300


(avant dernier mail)